Mind Of Good Taste

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Haribo Macht Kinder Froh - Where Is The Afterparty? (2011)

Haribo Macht Kinder Froh - Where Is The Afterparty? (2011)

Artist - Haribo Macht Kinder Froh
Album - Where Is The Afterparty?
Year - 2011
Genre - Partycore / Technocore / Dancecore
Myspace - www.myspace.com/haribomachtkinderfrohfosho
Country - Utrecht, The Netherlands
Bitrate - 192kbps
Purchase - www.haribomachtkinderfroh.nl


01 This Party Will Never End
02 Hey, What's Your Name? I Wanna Find You On Facebook!
03 I'll Take You To The Candy Shop
04 Day 1: The Nightclub
05 Highfives And Breakdowns
06 wearethebestbandintheworld.com
07 The Most Beautiful Girl
08 Fat Kids More To Love
09 Let's Get Wasted
10 Day 2: The Hangover
11 We Are Monsters
12 <3

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